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Mind Reengineering and Purpose (MRP) science

The Mind Reengineering and Purpose (MRP) Science is a groundbreaking methodology, developed over a span of 20 years and officially launched in 2019. MRP is focused on enhancing the performance and productivity of people and businesses

MRP is an interdisciplinary approach, combining insights from psychology, neuroscience, and vocational science to enhance human potential and optimize professional outcomes.

MRP Significant progress

  1. Purpose Discovery: This is the process through which individuals or organizations identify their core reason for existing or their primary objectives. In a personal context, it may involve introspection and personal exploration determined by the MRP framework. See purpose-field. For businesses, it might involve strategic planning and analysis based on the complete evaluation of founders and core team.
  2. Job Fitness/Placement Assessment: This refers to a systematic approach for determining the relative worth of a job in an organization. Based on these evaluations, individuals are then effectively placed into roles that suit their skills and the needs of the organization. The Self-Evaluate program identifies best job fitness and what we term work-DNA
  3. Decision-Making Quality and Speed: This is the cognitive process of choosing from several alternatives to reach a solution. It is a fundamental skill in both personal and professional contexts, and various strategies and methodologies can be adopted to improve decision-making abilities. MRP introduces the BLOPAD process to arrive at quantifiable decisions and has made it into a work called DecisionRange
  4. Learning methodology: This pertains to various methods or techniques of learning new information, skills, behaviors etc. This includes but is not limited to eLearning, microlearning, blended learning, experiential learning, etc. Some of the learning methods are BLOCTAL, BLOPAD etc..
  5. Relationship Mastery: This term points to the ability to establish and maintain healthy, effective relationships. It includes understanding others, practicing empathy, and skillful communication. MRP has developed models to assess and establish connectivity percentage between two or more people.
  6. Corporate Business Health: Refers to the overall wellbeing and stability of a business. Aspects considered would include financial health, employee well-being, customer satisfaction, corporate governance, and more. This is a part of MRP Business and there has been a eBook on business knowledge
  7. Mind-to-Mind Communication Measurement: In a scientific context, this can be considered as advanced systems of communication that aim to connect individuals on a mental level. While traditional telepathy pertains to the speculative or paranormal, in technological contexts it may refer to cutting-edge technologies that allow for direct brain-to-brain interfaces.
  8. Mind Tuning: Often related to mindfulness and cognition, this refers to techniques and methods used to optimize mental states, enhance focus, boost memory, and overall improve cognitive function. There is an eBook on this topic

Some established MRP works

‘Self-Evaluate’: A novel application that identifies a user’s purpose-field, assesses job fitness, gauges decision-making efficacy, and conducts a general knowledge assessment.

‘Air Systems Climate Controlled Eco-Building’: Incorporates innovative semi-organic building technology allowing for energy-efficient air circulation within a dual-wall system, known as the air corridor.

‘PD200’ Course: A personal development curriculum fostering effective learning methods for decision-making, numerical competence, reading comprehension, and memory development, which has gained widespread recognition in both government and private sectors.

DecisionRange Logo

‘DecisionRange’: A cutting-edge decision-making tool integrating the power of Artificial Intelligence, MRP science, and expert insights, endearingly termed as the ‘3 Alibis’

MRP Keywords

What is Purpose-field?

Purpose-Field’ refers to a professional path or vocation that aligns impeccably with an individual’s strengths, interests, and weaknesses, thereby enabling them to work with minimal fatigue or downtime

What is Work-DNA?

Work-DNA,’ on the other hand, is a unique framework within the Purpose-Field spectrum. It specializes in analyzing the compatibility of a person’s characteristics, skills, and inclinations with the demands and nuances of a particular job.